Welcome to Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital

Fetal Echo

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Want to hear the heartbeats of your unborn child?

Experience the Miraculous Sound of Your Unborn Child’s Heartbeat with Fetal Echo Ultrasound at Balaji Horizon

A Symphony of Life: Fetal Echo Ultrasound

Are you eagerly waiting to connect with the tiny life growing within you? The heartbeat of your unborn child is a magical rhythm that fills your heart with immense joy and anticipation. At Balaji Horizon, we bring you the opportunity to hear this precious sound through our advanced fetal echo ultrasound.


Fetal echo ultrasound, also known as fetal echocardiography, is a specialized procedure that captures the intricate details of your baby’s heart. Using cutting-edge ultrasound technology,we ensure you get to see the vivid images and sounds of your baby that allow you to experience the wonder of your baby’s heartbeat. The feeling of hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time is an out of the world experience. We do more than just a medical procedure.

Why Fetal Echo Ultrasound Matters

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Your Ally Throughout Your Pregnancy for Ensuring Your Baby's Heart Health!

Pregnancy is a journey of love, anticipation, and nurturing. At Balaji Horizon, we are committed to being your trusted companion every step of the way. Our mission is to ensure the well-being of your precious little one, especially when it comes to their heart health. That’s why we offer specialized fetal echo ultrasounds, a key tool in identifying potential heart issues early on.


Our team of experienced medical professionals is dedicated to providing you with exceptional fetal echocardiogram services. With state-of-the-art technology and a compassionate approach, we offer you peace of mind by ensuring that your baby’s heart is in good hands.

Experience the Fetal Echo ultrasound at Balaji Horizon:

The fetal echo procedure is a non-invasive and risk-free examination that provides crucial insights into your baby’s heart health.
Here’s what you can expect:
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Your baby's heart matters, and so do you!

we understand the significance of this journey you’re undertaking. Our state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate staff ensure that your experience is comfortable and filled with warmth.


We strive to provide you with the finest quality care and bring you closer to the heartbeat that’s already stolen your heart. Your baby’s health journey begins before birth, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Schedule Your Fetal Echocardiogram Today

Schedule your fetal echocardiogram and receive the insights you need for a healthy and joyful pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Question

At Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital, a Fetal Echocardiogram is a specialized ultrasound examination focused on assessing the heart’s structure and function of the developing fetus. Let’s explore the importance of Fetal Echocardiograms and how they contribute to ensuring the health and well-being of both the expectant mother and the baby.


  • Definition of Fetal Echocardiogram:

Heart Evaluation for Fetus: A Fetal Echocardiogram is a detailed ultrasound of the baby’s heart. It specifically focuses on assessing the structure, function, and rhythm of the fetal heart.


  • Importance of Fetal Echocardiograms:

Early Detection of Heart Abnormalities: The primary importance of Fetal Echocardiograms lies in their ability to detect congenital heart abnormalities early in the pregnancy. This allows for timely intervention and management.


Detailed Heart Assessment: Fetal Echocardiograms provide a detailed and specialized assessment of the baby’s heart, ensuring a thorough examination of all cardiac structures.


  • Risk Assessment and Counseling:

Risk Evaluation in High-Risk Pregnancies: For pregnancies identified as high-risk for heart abnormalities, Fetal Echocardiograms offer a comprehensive evaluation. This information is crucial for risk assessment and counseling.


Informed Decision-Making: Results from Fetal Echocardiograms empower expectant parents to make informed decisions about the pregnancy and potential medical interventions.


Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital Expertise:


At Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital, our specialized team conducts Fetal Echocardiograms with advanced technology and expertise.


We understand the significance of assessing fetal cardiac health and are dedicated to providing comprehensive support, counseling, and information to expectant parents facing the unique considerations of heart-related issues.


If you are considering a Fetal Echocardiogram or have questions about prenatal screenings, Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital is here to offer expert guidance and personalized care.

At Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital, a Fetal Neurosonogram is a specialized ultrasound examination focused on assessing the developing fetal brain and central nervous system. Let’s explore the importance of Fetal Neurosonograms and how they contribute to ensuring the health and well-being of both the expectant mother and the baby.


  • Definition of Fetal Neurosonogram:

Detailed Brain and Nervous System Assessment: A Fetal Neurosonogram is an ultrasound examination specifically designed to assess the structure and development of the fetal brain and central nervous system.


  • Importance of Fetal Neurosonograms:

Early Detection of Neurological Abnormalities: The primary importance of Fetal Neurosonograms lies in their ability to detect potential neurological abnormalities early in the pregnancy. This allows for early intervention and management.


Comprehensive Brain Assessment: Fetal Neurosonograms provide a detailed and specialized assessment of the fetal brain, evaluating structures such as the ventricles, cerebellum, and other vital components of the central nervous system.


  • Identification of Developmental Milestones:

Assessment of Developmental Milestones: Fetal Neurosonograms play a crucial role in assessing developmental milestones of the fetal brain, ensuring that it is progressing as expected for the gestational age.


Early Intervention Opportunities: Early identification of developmental concerns allows for timely intervention and planning for potential medical care or support after birth.


Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital Expertise:


At Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital, our specialized team conducts Fetal Neurosonograms with advanced technology and expertise.


We understand the significance of assessing fetal neurological health and are dedicated to providing comprehensive support, counseling, and information to expectant parents facing the unique considerations of neurological issues.


If you are considering a Fetal Neurosonogram or have questions about prenatal screenings, Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital is here to offer expert guidance and personalized care.

At Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital, a Fetal Doppler scan is a specialized ultrasound examination that assesses the blood flow in the fetal circulatory system. Let’s delve into the importance of Fetal Doppler scans and how they contribute to ensuring the health and well-being of both the expectant mother and the baby.


  • Definition of Fetal Doppler Scan:

Blood Flow Assessment in Fetus: A Fetal Doppler scan uses ultrasound technology to assess the blood flow in the fetal blood vessels, particularly in the umbilical cord, placenta, and other key areas.


  • Importance of Fetal Doppler Scans:

Monitoring Fetal Well-Being: The primary importance of Fetal Doppler scans lies in their ability to monitor the well-being of the fetus by assessing blood flow. This is crucial for understanding the fetal circulatory system’s health and function.


Early Detection of Complications: Fetal Doppler scans enable early detection of complications, such as reduced blood flow, which could be indicative of conditions like intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or other issues affecting fetal development.


  • Assessment of Placental Function:

Evaluating Placental Blood Flow: Fetal Doppler scans provide insights into the blood flow in the placenta, assessing its function and efficiency in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.


Critical for Fetal Growth: A healthy placental function is critical for supporting optimal fetal growth, and Fetal Doppler scans play a key role in evaluating this aspect.


  • Identification of High-Risk Pregnancies:

Risk Stratification: Fetal Doppler scans are often employed in high-risk pregnancies to stratify risk levels and identify potential complications early on.


Tailored Care Plans: Results from Fetal Doppler scans contribute to the development of tailored care plans, ensuring that pregnancies with identified risks receive appropriate monitoring and interventions.


Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital Expertise:


At Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital, our specialized team conducts Fetal Doppler scans with advanced technology and expertise.


We understand the significance of assessing fetal circulatory health and are dedicated to providing comprehensive support, counseling, and information to expectant parents throughout this process.


If you are considering a Fetal Doppler scan or have questions about prenatal screenings, Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital is here to offer expert guidance and personalized care.

Fetal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Meena Jhala

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Aliquet elit ac nisl vestibulum odio. Quisque id mi nullam cursus lacinia erat. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit.

Morbi nec metus. Nunc nonummy metus. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum.

Fetal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Mayank Chowdhary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc.

Aliquet elit ac nisl vestibulum odio. Quisque id mi nullam cursus lacinia erat. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit.

Morbi nec metus. Nunc nonummy metus. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum.

Masters in Reproductive Medicine & IVF
(Homerton, UK)

Dr. Shreya Iyengar Patel


July, 2013 to July, 2016 : M.S. Obstetrics and Gynaecology College: Smt. N.H.L. Municipal medical college University: Gujarat universityMarch, 2019,

2007-2013: M.B.B.S :

College: Smt. N.H.L. Municipal medical college
University: Gujarat university

Attended Many conferences and workshops.

MS OB/GYN (Gold Medalist)
Dip. Gyn Endoscopy (Kiel, Germany)
Fellow in Advanced GYN Endoscopy

Dr. Priyadatt Patel

Diploma in Gynaecological Endoscopy by Keil School of Gynaecological Endoscopy Germany,
March, 2019,

Diploma in Gynaecological Endoscopy by Keil School of Gynaecological Endoscopy Germany,
March, 2019,

Certificate of completion: Winners Project quizzes of the Bachelor level, Leuven, 3’d January, 2018.Fellowship training course in advanced gynaecological endoscopy at Mayflower Women’s Hospital Gynaecological Endoscopic training centre, Ahmedabad, India under Dr. Sanjay S. Patel (Recognised by FOGS! & Karl Storz (Germany)), 4th August, 2016 to 3rd August, 2017.

Hands on training programme for laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy/ Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomyat Galaxy Care Hospital, Pune under Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar in 2017.

M.S. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2013 to 2016. Smt. N.H.C Municipal medical college, Gujarat university. With: University First with 4 Gold medals,
March, 2019,

M.B.B.S., 2006 TO 2012.
B.J.M.C., Ahmedabad, Gujarat university