Welcome to Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital

Gynaec Scan Pelvic Scan

Empowering Insights through Gynec and Pelvic Ultrasound

Embark on a journey of understanding with our leading Gyneco and Pelvic Ultrasound services in Ahmedabad.

Uncovering your pelvic health through Ultrasound!

Ultrasounds are crucial in identifying any concern affecting your reproductive well-being. Whether seeking insights into your menstrual cycle, evaluating your reproductive organs, or exploring potential concerns, our advanced ultrasound technology offers a peek into your body’s intricacies. We empower you with the information necessary to make informed decisions about your reproductive health. Our approach to pelvic ultrasounds encompasses two distinct methods:

Transabdominal Method - Gaining Insights Through the Abdomen

The transabdominal method involves placing a specialized transducer on the abdomen. This transducer emits sound waves, penetrating the skin and tissue to capture detailed images of your pelvic organs.

A conductive gel is applied, ensuring optimal sound wave transmission. This method is particularly effective for capturing an overall view of the pelvic region.

Transvaginal Method - A Closer Examination from Within

The transvaginal approach takes us one step closer to your pelvic health. A slim and elongated transducer, enveloped in a protective sheath, is gently inserted into the vagina. The transducer, covered in conducting gel, captures high-resolution images of your reproductive organs and surrounding structures. The proximity of this method allows for more intricate details to be revealed, making it particularly valuable for specific diagnostic purposes.

How to Prepare for Your Pelvic Ultrasound?

Preparing for a pelvic ultrasound is simple, ensuring you have the most effective and comfortable experience. Before the test, make sure you are properly hydrated. At least one hour before your appointment, consume a minimum of 24 ounces of clear fluids. Water, herbal tea, and clear fruit juices are good options. This helps in ensuring a clearer image during the Ultrasound. However, avoid excessive fluid intake, as it might lead to discomfort. Avoid urinating before the test, as It’s important not to empty your bladder until after the Ultrasound, especially for a transabdominal ultrasound. 


A partially full bladder provides a better acoustic window for capturing images of your pelvic organs. For most pelvic ultrasounds, no fasting or sedation is required. However, if your Ultrasound is part of another procedure that involves anesthesia, follow the instructions given by your doctor. If you’re having a transvaginal ultrasound, empty your bladder right before the procedure. This enhances comfort during the examination.

At Balaji Horizon, we discuss the procedure with you, answering any questions you might have. Feel free to inquire about the process, its duration, and what to expect during and after the Ultrasound.
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Why might a pelvic ultrasound be recommended?

Pelvic Ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that provides a wealth of information, aiding in the measurement, evaluation, and diagnosis of various conditions.

Assessment of Pelvic Organs: Size, Shape, and Position

Pelvic Ultrasound goes beyond the surface, offering insights into the anatomy of the uterus and ovaries.

Exploring Tissue Characteristics and Fluid Presence

The Ultrasound's echogenicity reveals tissue density, highlighting the presence of fluids or masses within the endometrium, myometrium, fallopian tubes, and even the bladder.

Measuring Cervical Length and Thickness

The length and thickness of the cervix can be measured accurately. Changes in these parameters signal specific conditions or provide insights into your reproductive health.

Detecting Changes in Bladder Shape

The shape of the bladder can be monitored for any changes that might indicate underlying issues.

Visualizing Blood Flow

Pelvic Ultrasound extends its reach to assessing blood flow through pelvic organs, enhancing our understanding of circulation within the reproductive system.

Diagnosis and Monitoring

Pelvic Ultrasound serves as an invaluable diagnostic tool for a variety of conditions, such as Uterine Anomalies, Growth Assessment, Contraceptive Device Placement, Infection and Inflammation, Postmenopausal Bleeding, Fertility Evaluation, Ectopic Pregnancy Detection, and Pregnancy Monitoring.

Assisting with Procedures

Beyond diagnosis, pelvic Ultrasound assists in procedures like endometrial biopsy and sonohysterography. The latter involves filling the uterus with fluid for enhanced imaging.

What to do on the day of the pelvic Ultrasound at Balaji Horizon?

Dress comfortably, as you might be required to change into a gown for the procedure. 


Bring any relevant medical records or prescriptions, as they assist in better understanding your health history. Arrive on time to ensure a smooth process. If you have any concerns or questions about your pelvic ultrasound preparation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your health journey is a collaborative effort, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Question

A gynecological scan, often performed using ultrasound technology, allows for a detailed examination of the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, ovaries, and surrounding structures.


  • Importance in Women’s Health:


Early Detection of Issues: Gynecological scans aid in the early detection of various gynecological conditions, such as fibroids, cysts, or abnormalities in the reproductive organs.


Monitoring Reproductive Health: Regular gynecological scans are crucial for monitoring the overall health of the reproductive system, providing insights into hormonal changes, menstrual cycle regularity, and potential concerns.


  • Assessing Uterine Health:


Uterine Abnormalities: The scan helps identify uterine abnormalities, including fibroids or polyps, which may impact fertility or cause menstrual irregularities.


Endometrial Thickness: It assesses the thickness of the endometrial lining, important for a healthy menstrual cycle and successful embryo implantation.


  • Evaluating Ovarian Function:


Ovulatory Function: Gynecological scans help assess ovulatory function by monitoring the development of ovarian follicles, providing valuable information about the menstrual cycle.


Ovarian Cysts: The presence of ovarian cysts, which can affect fertility and overall ovarian health, can be identified through these scans.


  • Support in Family Planning:


Pre-Pregnancy Health Check: Gynecological scans serve as a pre-pregnancy health check, identifying any potential issues that may affect a woman’s ability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term.


Guidance for Contraception: For women considering contraception, gynecological scans offer insights into the reproductive organs, helping healthcare providers recommend suitable contraceptive options.


Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital Commitment:


At Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital, we prioritize women’s health through comprehensive gynecological care.


Our experienced team utilizes advanced ultrasound technology for precise and detailed scans, offering valuable information to support proactive healthcare decisions.


If you are due for a gynecological scan or have concerns about your reproductive health, Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital is dedicated to providing expert care, early detection, and personalized solutions for women at every stage of life.

For Routine Wellness Checks


Annual Check-ups: Consider including a gynecological scan as part of your annual wellness check-up. Regular scans contribute to the early detection of potential issues and help maintain overall reproductive health.


  • Menstrual Irregularities:


Irregular Cycles: If you experience irregular menstrual cycles, including missed periods, heavy bleeding, or unusual symptoms, it may be advisable to schedule a gynecological scan to investigate potential causes.


  • Pre-Pregnancy Planning:


Family Planning: For women planning to conceive, a gynecological scan serves as a valuable pre-pregnancy health check. It can identify any conditions that might affect fertility or impact a healthy pregnancy.


  • Pelvic Pain or Discomfort:


Persistent Pain: If you are experiencing persistent pelvic pain or discomfort, a gynecological scan can help identify the source of the pain, such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, or other gynecological conditions.


  • Menopausal or Perimenopausal Symptoms:


Hormonal Changes: Women approaching menopause or experiencing perimenopausal symptoms may benefit from a gynecological scan to assess hormonal changes and ensure a smooth transition.


  • Abnormal Pap Smear Results:


Follow-up Investigation: If you have received abnormal Pap smear results, your healthcare provider may recommend a gynecological scan to further investigate and determine the appropriate course of action.


  • Changes in Reproductive Health:


Changes in Sexual Health: Any changes in sexual health, such as pain during intercourse or changes in libido, may prompt the consideration of a gynecological scan to assess reproductive organ health.


Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital Approach:


Our team at Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital is committed to personalized and patient-centric care.


We work with individuals to assess their unique health needs and recommend gynecological scans based on a combination of factors, including age, medical history, and specific concerns.


If you are considering a gynecological scan or have questions about when it might be appropriate for you, our caring team at Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital is here to provide guidance and support for your reproductive health journey.

At Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital, gynecological scans are instrumental in early detection and diagnosis of various gynecological conditions.


  • Visualizing Reproductive Organs:

Uterus and Ovaries: Gynecological scans provide a clear visual of the uterus and ovaries, allowing for the detection of abnormalities such as fibroids, cysts, or polyps.


Fallopian Tubes: The scan assesses the condition of the fallopian tubes, identifying blockages or other issues that may affect fertility.


  • Early Detection of Tumors:


Fibroids and Tumors: Gynecological scans help in the early detection of fibroids and tumors in the uterus or ovaries. Early identification allows for timely intervention and management.


Ovarian Cysts: Common gynecological conditions like ovarian cysts can be identified through scans, guiding appropriate treatment plans.


  • Monitoring Pregnancy Health:


Prenatal Scans: Gynecological scans play a crucial role in monitoring the health of a developing fetus during pregnancy. They help identify any complications or developmental issues.


Ectopic Pregnancy: Scans can detect the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, allowing for prompt medical intervention.


  • Assessing Menstrual Irregularities:


Menstrual Disorders: Gynecological scans assist in identifying the causes of menstrual irregularities, including heavy bleeding, missed periods, or abnormal bleeding patterns.


Endometrial Issues: The thickness of the endometrial lining is assessed, aiding in the detection of conditions such as endometrial hyperplasia.


  • Detecting Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):


Infections and Inflammation: Gynecological scans can reveal signs of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) by visualizing inflammation or fluid collection in the pelvic region.


  • Identifying Ovulatory Function:


Monitoring Ovulation: For women trying to conceive, gynecological scans monitor ovulatory function by tracking the development of ovarian follicles and the release of eggs.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS, a common condition affecting reproductive health, can be identified through characteristic features visible on scans.


Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital Expertise:


Our experienced team at Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital utilizes advanced ultrasound technology for precise and detailed gynecological scans.


Early detection through these scans allows us to provide timely and effective interventions, contributing to the overall well-being of our patients.


If you have concerns about your reproductive health or are experiencing gynecological symptoms, Balaji Horizon Women’s Hospital is dedicated to offering comprehensive gynecological scans and expert care tailored to your individual needs.

Fetal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Meena Jhala

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc.

Aliquet elit ac nisl vestibulum odio. Quisque id mi nullam cursus lacinia erat. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit.

Morbi nec metus. Nunc nonummy metus. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum.

Fetal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Mayank Chowdhary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc.

Aliquet elit ac nisl vestibulum odio. Quisque id mi nullam cursus lacinia erat. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit.

Morbi nec metus. Nunc nonummy metus. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum.

Masters in Reproductive Medicine & IVF
(Homerton, UK)

Dr. Shreya Iyengar Patel


July, 2013 to July, 2016 : M.S. Obstetrics and Gynaecology College: Smt. N.H.L. Municipal medical college University: Gujarat universityMarch, 2019,

2007-2013: M.B.B.S :

College: Smt. N.H.L. Municipal medical college
University: Gujarat university

Attended Many conferences and workshops.

MS OB/GYN (Gold Medalist)
Dip. Gyn Endoscopy (Kiel, Germany)
Fellow in Advanced GYN Endoscopy

Dr. Priyadatt Patel

Diploma in Gynaecological Endoscopy by Keil School of Gynaecological Endoscopy Germany,
March, 2019,

Diploma in Gynaecological Endoscopy by Keil School of Gynaecological Endoscopy Germany,
March, 2019,

Certificate of completion: Winners Project quizzes of the Bachelor level, Leuven, 3’d January, 2018.Fellowship training course in advanced gynaecological endoscopy at Mayflower Women’s Hospital Gynaecological Endoscopic training centre, Ahmedabad, India under Dr. Sanjay S. Patel (Recognised by FOGS! & Karl Storz (Germany)), 4th August, 2016 to 3rd August, 2017.

Hands on training programme for laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy/ Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomyat Galaxy Care Hospital, Pune under Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar in 2017.

M.S. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2013 to 2016. Smt. N.H.C Municipal medical college, Gujarat university. With: University First with 4 Gold medals,
March, 2019,

M.B.B.S., 2006 TO 2012.
B.J.M.C., Ahmedabad, Gujarat university